Dear Scott…
Happy Birthday! If the world had been kinder, we would be celebrating your 67th birthday today. As it is, it’s been 30 years and 3 months since you left this plane. I miss you more today and how is that possible?
I guess it’s because so many people have reached out to me, shared with me how much your work touched them, helped them, made them feel like they belonged. I’m trying to carry that part of your legacy forward. I know you know that, and thank you for all your encouragement.
Oh by the way, I finally dove into your Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs…all I can say is wow. You did good. And without Google, even! Your dedication to your craft, to your readers, is amazing and I am so damn proud of you.
Give Mom and Daddy hugs for me. Oh and if you see a polydactyl cat named Zaphod roaming around you, you’re welcome (lolol…I know you’re not a cat person). Give him cuddles for me anyway.
Lots of love,
Note: Cross-posted from Facebook, that post dated 6-27-23