THE GARDEN…At sunset last night, my husband released a bunch of ladybugs into our tomato bed…which also has green onions, chives, green beans (along the back fence), French sorrel, and sage growing in it, but mostly tomato plants. The ladies are still finding their way out of the container they came in, and making a new home for themselves in our garden.

The celery in the next bed is looking like real celery, but so much sharper and tastier than the grocery store variety. We are spoiled by the amount of greens in our garden, and I’m already looking forward to planting more lettuces after the worst of the heat passes this fall.

THE INTERVIEW…I had my very first interview centered around Scott Cunningham – The Path Taken today with Amber Highland and Jaymi Elford of The Cartomancer Magazine. It was fun, and because I’ve known them both for over five years now, it was comfortable and went very well. If you want, go give it a watch here.

THE BOOK…my publisher has updated the Amazon page for this book with some endorsements. I’m going to share a few of them here…
“A touching and intimate portrait of one of America’s most important witchcraft pioneers, intensely readable and relatable, Scott Cunningham—The Path Taken is now required reading for anyone interested in Craft history. Thirty years after Cunningham’s untimely passing, this book illustrates why his work is just as popular today as it was during his lifetime.”
—Jason Mankey, author of The Horned God of the Witches
“Scott Cunningham—The Path Taken . . . is the true-life saga of a close-knit, loving family and the author’s journey to piece together, from scattered memories, Scott Cunningham, the famous brother she never fully knew. It is about love and loss, regrets and appreciations—a memorial told in personal snapshot-like scenes, in the reminiscences of friends, and in the stories of people who only knew Scott Cunningham through his books that enriched and changed their lives.
“You will learn how Scott, writing in the 1970s and 80s, felt he had to live in two closets, both as a gay man and as a witch. Still, he legitimized solitary witchcraft by helping individuals ‘remember’ the natural, everyday practice of magic; he made Wicca, its knowledge, and essential practices, available to everyone.”
—Mary K. Greer, author of Women of the Golden Dawn and Archetypal Tarot
“There are those who are legends from the early days of the modern Pagan movement. Many are well remembered, still beloved, their books still treasured. Scott Cunningham is such a legend and this new biography is by someone who loved him, his sister Christine Cunningham Ashworth. Beautifully written, Scott Cunningham—The Path Taken is a warm, funny, insightful portrait of a legend. Add this book to your shelf or book stack, and meet the man you thought you knew. It’s brilliant.”
—H. Byron Ballard, author of Seasons of a Magical Life
“This book ought to come with a warning label: ‘Do not open unless your schedule is free for the next several hours.’ It’s a hackneyed old trope to say, ‘I couldn’t put this book down,’ but in the case of Scott Cunningham—The Path Taken, it’s absolutely accurate. Christine’s story is a truly compelling page-turner that reads like the best fiction, but even better, as it’s all true! Whether you are a Scott Cunningham aficionado or are just getting introduced to his legacy in the world of witchcraft, you will be fascinated with this story of his courage, curiosity, and magic, written by one of the people who knew him the best—his sister. Just make sure you are ready to settle in for a nice, long, thoroughly enlightening, and enjoyable read.”
—Madame Pamita, author of Magical Tarot, Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft, and The Book of Candle Magic
“Applause and gratitude for the diligence, willingness, and courage of Christine Cunningham Ashworth to share so many personal stories and anecdotes of the Cunningham family. It is through her lens, her heart, her bravery that we can touch Scott Cunningham in a way many of us have only dreamed. Anyone blessed to own this book will have a true treasure in their hands. I know it will grow spiritual wings, fly to the furthest magical corners of the universe, and be a blessing to all who read its pages. A true keeper, a touchstone, a heartfelt working of love.”
—Najah Lightfoot, author of Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul and Powerful Juju: Goddesses, Music & Magic for Comfort, Guidance & Protection
I’m signing off for now. Thanks for reading!
Growing your own celery gives back such a treat for the taste buds…Sooooooo much flavor.
One can understand, just barely, the struggle with such a personal book, but it does prove cathartic in the end…
It absolutely does. Hugs, honey!