This actually happened back in July – but as I just received my first-round edits, I feel it’s time to make the official announcement.
I wrote a memoir about my brother, Scott Cunningham, an icon in metaphysical publishing with such titles as Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner; Earth Magic; Living Wicca; Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs; etc. He died in March of 1993; all his metaphysical books are still in print and still selling quite well.
Red Wheel Weiser Books bought my book, tentatively titled The Interrupted Life of Scott Cunningham, and it will be published in autumn, 2023, the thirtieth anniversary year of Scott’s death. I’m lucky to have Judika Illes as my editor; Mat Auryn provided the Foreward; and many other people have contributed to this book (Benebell Wen, Nancy Hendrickson, Dorothy Morrison, Storm Faerywolf, James Divine, Jaymi Elford, among others).
So I’ve been in hyper-nesting mode today; cleaning like crazy, before I step into editing mode to get this book birthed.
Bright blessings to you on this Samhain day. As soon as I have a cover, I’ll share and happily.