September, September

Photo of a lake, with waves, and a bench in front of it. A tall tree leans over the bench protectively on the right side of the photo.
Photo by Allessandra Calleto on

We’re almost to the middle of September already. How did that happen?? I am knee deep in getting ready for the Northwest Tarot Symposium, where I will be leading a workshop titled “From Idea to Published – Let’s Get Started”. I’m excited to share my knowledge about just how to go about getting that book out of your head and down on paper (so to speak)!

Not to mention, seeing all my friends, and making new ones. I know the metaphysical community has issues, just like any community does; but I will also say that I have never felt more respected or truly cared for by any community the way I have in the tarot slash witchy community. Finding these people has given me a boost of confidence, a splash of joy – and, the the best thing of all, is the sense of acceptance I feel within the community.

In this day and age, finding a community where you feel cared for and accepted is vital to our mental and physical health and well-being. My wish for you today is that, if you don’t already have that community, that you will find it soon. Life is too short to spend time with people who don’t accept the totality of who you are.

I really need a break – time to go to the beach – but that is not to be. This weekend I’m headed up to see my brother Greg for some sibling time. I hope you get a break if you need one – even if it’s just having a cup of coffee on the patio in the early morning, feeling the seasons change.

Well, I need to go. Until next time – may you be surrounded with love, and may you get the rest you need.

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