What a summer. Half way through June, my entire family came down with COVID. We’re all over it, but it made for quite an interesting few weeks. On top of that, I sold a book to Red Wheel Weiser publishing (more about that later), and have been putting in the hours to fine-tune it before I send the manuscript off to my editor.
Deciding to create this website was a no-brainer back in March – then actually being able to figure it all out and do something with it was another thing, entirely. Luckily I had wonderful tech support from both my brother Greg, and my good friend Jeff H. He helped me over Zoom, since we’re not in the same city. If you need someone, he’s awesome! Ask me for his contact info.
I’m also working with Divine Hand Jim, or James Divine, the Palmist Extraordinaire, while putting together my workshop for the Northwest Tarot Symposium in October. Lots more coming from that talk, which I’ll announce later when we’re closer to October.
The latest development is, my wonderful husband is off to Denver for 11 weeks. He’s been cast in Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare) at the Denver Center Theater. He left four days and fifteen hours ago (not that I miss him or anything), and there’s a hole in the household without him. But my adult sons and I are making it all work.
Thanks for stopping by. I am slowly going to migrate my thoughts etc to this space, rather than social media I do not control. I’m happy to have you here.
Bright Blessings to you, this day and always.